Hair Loss Specialist Clinic

Understanding the Hair Growth Cycle

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Understanding the Hair Growth Cycle: What Happens Before Hair Loss


Understanding the hair growth cycle is crucial to grasping the changes that occur before hair loss becomes evident. The cycle consists of four main phases:

  1. Anagen (Growth Phase):
  • This is the active phase of hair growth, lasting 2 to 7 years, depending on factors such as genetics, health, and lifestyle.
  • At any given time, 85–90% of your hair is in this phase, growing approximately 1 cm per month.
  1. Catagen (Transition Phase):
  • The catagen phase is brief, lasting about 2–3 weeks.
  • During this time, hair growth ceases, and the follicle begins to shrink, preparing to detach from its blood supply.
  1. Telogen (Resting Phase):
  • In this phase, the hair follicle becomes dormant for around 3 months, and no active growth occurs.
  • Approximately 10–15% of your hair is in this phase at any given time, with hairs preparing to shed.
  1. Exogen (Shedding Phase):
  • This phase marks the shedding of old hairs while new hairs start to grow from the same follicle, restarting the cycle.
  • It is normal to lose 50–100 hairs daily during this phase.

What Happens Before Hair Loss?

Before noticeable Hair Loss occurs, disruptions in the normal hair growth cycle can take place, such as:

  • Shortened Anagen Phase: Hair spends less time growing, leading to thinner and shorter strands.
  • Prolonged Telogen Phase: More hairs stay in the resting phase, with fewer transitioning to the growth phase, resulting in increased shedding.
  • Delayed Anagen Entry: Hair follicles take longer to re-enter the growth phase, causing visible thinning over time.

These disruptions can result from factors such as hormonal imbalances, stress, genetics, or underlying health conditions.

By understanding the hair growth cycle and its phases, professionals can better diagnose and address the causes of Hair Loss, paving the way for effective treatment.

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