Hair Loss Specialist Clinic

Hair Transplant

You may be a candidate for hair transplant surgery if you have healthy hair growth at the back and sides of the head to serve as donor areas.

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Is a Hair Transplant Right For Me?

You may be a candidate for hair transplant surgery if you have healthy hair growth at the back and sides of the head to serve as donor areas.

Please find more before and after photos further down the page along with our FAQs on hair transplants.

  • Donor areas are the places on the head from which grafts are taken.
  • Other factors, such as hair color, texture and waviness or curliness may also affect the cosmetic result.
  • There are a number of techniques used in hair replacement surgery. Sometimes, two or more techniques are used to achieve the best results.
  • Hair transplant surgery can enhance your appearance and your self-confidence, but the results won’t necessarily match your ideal.
  • Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with your consultant.

It’s important to understand that all hair transplantation techniques use your existing hair. The goal of surgery is to find the most efficient uses for existing hair.

Remember, there are limits to what can be accomplished. An individual with very little hair might not be advised to undergo hair transplant surgery.

What’s Involved

The Results

“I did my research and although I was apprehensive at the time I’m now so happy with my new look, the consultant & surgeon have been very helpful and informative, thanks again HLC.”

 Mark Davies

Frequently Asked Questions about HLC Hair Transplant

Take a look at some of the common questions regarding Hair Transplants.

How much will it hurt?
Honestly, you’ll probably be pleasantly surprised. When you read about the procedure, it seems a tad gruesome – but the fact is, there’s no pain with the surgery, just a little discomfort. You have anesthetic so there’s no pain. The discomfort comes from being in the chair for up to six hours for the entire process to be completed, though you will get regular breaks. Post-op, you might experience some mild pain but nothing that your standard painkillers can’t manage for a few days, just like with any minor surgical procedure.

How noticeable will the scarring be?
Follicular unit grafting requires tiny incisions to the recipient area and any resultant scarring is generally invisible to the untrained eye. There will also be a small scar from the donor area at the back of your scalp, but it will be hidden under existing hair.

How long before signs of growth are visible?
After the procedure, the hair grows very slowly but as time passes, you’ll probably have people asking if you’ve lost weight; they’ll notice ‘something’ but won’t be able to pinpoint the physical change in you, especially if you’ve only had minimal work done.

No need to tell anyone. Lots of guys get away with no one figuring it out.

Will anyone know
In order to best maintain your hair system it’s always good to wash it twice per week, always hydrate your hair everyday with a good leave in conditioner.

Will the results be permanent?
The hair follicles that are transplanted are genetically-resistant against baldness so they will, in theory, continue to grow over your lifetime. However …You’ll still notice hair loss on different areas of your head, and may choose to explore the option of another transplant or HLC laser treatment in the future.

How long will I need to rest?
You’ll generally only need to take it easy for a couple of days after the procedure. Take it easy while allowing your body to recover. Avoid over-exerting yourself and leave the gym, running for a few weeks.

Can I use someone else's hair for a hair transplant?
Unlike organ transplants, you are your own donor for a hair transplant. There is no donor and recipient. If you received hair, follicles, and tissue from someone else your body would reject them.

Can hair transplant give full head of hair?
If you’re completely bald, a hair transplant will probably produce an improvement, but it’s not going to give you a completely full head of hair. However, if you have minor hair loss and plenty of donor hair, a hair transplant can help you reverse several years of hair loss and improve your appearance.

Is hair transplant surgery just for men?
Hair loss can affect both men and women. While FUE hair transplant is more popular among men, it is also a method widely used for women experiencing female pattern hair loss.

Where are donor hair follicles being extracted from?
In order for a hair transplant procedure to be successfully performed, individual follicular units are extracted from the patient’s donor area and are then transplanted into areas where the patient desires more hair. If someone else’s hair is implanted in your body, your body is likely to consider it as foreign and will therefore reject it. In addition, if the severity of hair loss is high and you are experiencing lack of adequate donor hair, then most likely a FUE hair transplant will not be the best option for you.

Is there an age limit on who can undergo a hair transplant procedure?
Usually patients between the ages of 20 and 50 are considered as the most suitable candidates for a hair transplant surgery. However, this does not always have to be limited within this specific range. Even though each individual is different, it is more likely to achieve a successful hair transplant when the person is slightly older. At a younger age, hair loss and hair growth pattern can be irregular and hair loss may continue to worsen as the person gets older. As time passes by, you may have to undergo more procedures. As long as you are in good health there is no upper-age limit for hair transplantation. For this reason it is not generally advisable to undergo a hair transplant surgery under the age of 20.

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