Hair Loss Specialist Clinic

Get Your Hair Consultation

At a clinic near you

FAQs with short answers;

• How are your hair systems different to your competitors?
- Ours are ALL customised to match clients specifications and are then handmade!

• How are female hair systems attached?
- We have various attachment methods dependent on the type of system and extent of Hair Loss. The method in the video is our unrivalled micro-cylinder method.

• Are hair systems heavy?
- HLC hair systems are the most lightweight and durable you will find on the market.

• Do you offer all sizes and colours?
- Our hair systems are ultra customised and handmade from the very lace material base, for both males and females.

For more in depth answers to further questions regarding all Hair Loss and Hair Loss treatments, simply make an enquiry following the link in our bio.

Happy Hair Days!

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The power of a hair system!

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At our clinics we offer a FREE consultation.
We have over 40 UK based clinics, contact us now to find your closest clinic!

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An insight into Platelet Rich Plasma treatment (PRP)

#hairloss #prp #plasma #prptreatment #hairlossclinic #hairgrowth #injectables #hairlosstreatment #hairlosssolutionuk

How does Laser Treatment actually work?

#hairloss #lasertherapy #hairgrowth #hairlossworries #hairlosstreatment #thinninghair #ukclinics #hairlossclinic #minoxidil #hairgrowthresults

Find out why our laser treatment is our most popular treatment.
- It can help with various different hair loss problems such as
. Alopecia
. Female / male pattern hair loss
. Telogen Effluvium
- It can help to enhance transplanted hair
- Stimulates blood flow around the scalp
- Helps to thicken existing hair whilst getting new growth
- We use products alongside the treatment to get those best results
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The caption is in the photo..

Is there any need to say more..

12 months post Hair Transplant procedure 🔥

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“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.” — Thomas Campbell ...

Great work for the team @ HLC Exeter ...

You may have heard of Laser Hair Therapy but this is HLC Laser Hair Therapy and nobody does it like us 🙌🏼😍

• Six Months HLC Laser Hair Therapy
• New hairs still growing
• Hair Loss diagnosis - Male Pattern Baldness

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And just like that 🧙🪄..

• Six Months Laser Hair Therapy
• Female Pattern Baldness
• Long Term Results
• Affordable Prices
• Happy Client :)

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Another very happy client 😍 ...

What is HLC Laser Hair Therapy? 🌟

Our advanced, non-invasive treatment uses low-level laser light to stimulate hair follicles, promoting natural hair growth and reducing hair loss.

Our therapy is paired with a carefully curated selection of our top products, creating the perfect recipe for hair growth and fuller, healthier hair.

Ready to learn more?

Book your free consultation today!

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Experience the groundbreaking results of HLC’s Laser Regrowth Therapy, setting new standards in hair rejuvenation. One of our clients sought help in June, worried by her progressively thinning hair. Following our recommendation of a 6-Month Laser Treatment, she started her journey to revitalise her hair health.
As she nears the end of her treatment, the progress is nothing short of remarkable. With increased blood supply to the follicles, her hair has undergone a transformation, becoming stronger and healthier.
Discover how our approach to hair rejuvenation can transform your hair and boost your confidence. Schedule a free consultation today and take the first step towards a healthier, fuller head of hair!

Our thoughts go out too the people off Southport…much love from the HLC family 🥰 ...

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